Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Guppy Simulation Questions

1. Maybe the guppies are colorful for mating purposes, or to attract some sort of even smaller prey.

2. Poecilia Reticulata, Brazil, 1.4". The guppy is bright yellow, blue, green, and red.

3. Pike Cichlid, Crenicichla Alta, Trinidad and Latin America, up to 1 foot

4. Water extremely shallow wouldn't be able to sustain large predators. Large dams also prevent predators from eating the guppies. In streams and other quickly moving bodies of water, guppies are at high risk of being eaten.

5. John Endler was an evolutionary biologist in the 1970s. He studied behavior patterns in Trinidad's native guppies.

6. Pool 1: The guppies have large spots and have many bright colors. They look particularly orange.
Pool 2: The guppies have medium sized spots, and medium bright coloring. They are black and gray with some orange.
Pool 3: The guppies have little spots and are very drably colored.

7. If there are many predators present, then the guppies will be drably colored, as to not attract unwanted attention. The opposite would be true of safer areas.

Trial 1

Guppy: Even Mix
Predators: 30 Rivulus

% of brightest guppies- 48%
% of bright guppies- 30%
% of drab guppies- 20%
% of drabbest guppies- 2%

Trial 2

Guppy: Even Mix
Predators: 30 Rivulus, 30 Acara

% of brightest guppies- 13%
% of bright guppies- 58%
% of drab guppies- 29%
% of drabbest guppies- 0%

Trial 3

Guppy: Even Mix
Predators: 30 Rivulus, 30 Acara, 30 Cichlid

% of brightest guppies- 0%
% of bright guppies- 12%
% of drab guppies- 57%
% of drabbest guppies- 31%

Trial 4

Guppy: Mostly Bright
Predators: 30 Rivulus

% of brightest guppies-90%
% of bright guppies-8%
% of drab guppies-2%
% of drabbest guppies-0%

Trial 5

Guppy: Mostly Drab
Predators: 30 Rivulus, 30 Acara, 30 Cichlid

% of brightest guppies- 0%
% of bright guppies-0%
% of drab guppies-19%
% of drabbest guppies-81%

8. When there are many predators, the brightest guppies are weeded out and killed, while the drabbest ones flourish. The opposite is true for situations without predators, because the colorful guppies found mates easier.

9. Yes, becuase the drabbest fish survived with many predators and the brightest guppies did not.

10. This means that the guppies need to adapt to their surroundings so that they won't be eaten and will still find a mate.

11. The guppies have different coloration depending on their location in the stream because of the amount of predatory fish living along side them.

12. The drab guppies would be very unfit, because they wouldn't be able to attract a mate.

13. The bright guppies would be easily weeded out by natural selection, because they would be easy for predators to find.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Conservation for the People Summary

Old methods of persuading humans to take action and help the environment have been somewhat unsuccessful, so some conservationists have decided to take a different approach. Instead of protecting biodiversity for its own sake, we should preserve it because of human benefit. This will ease tension between residents of protected areas, because they feel as though they are being pushed aside for plants and animals. "Hot Spots," or regions with excessive rare plant and animal life, will be targeted for protection in the new plan, as opposed to only particularly adorable animals like polar bears. Evaluations of the system will take not only the conservation of diverse ecosystems into affect, but also human satisfaction. This plan is aimed at making biodiversity more relevant to the everyday American.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


1. The species with the highest risk of extinction are the ones that are most closely grouped together and concentrated in one area. By protecting the local biodiversity, we can preserved the most crucially endangered animals. Once the species were same from extinction, they would begin to expand in numbers, and therefore create a larger global population.

2. A loss of species diversity in one area can definitely impact the globe, especially in the economy. Today's interwoven financial system throughout the planet has created essentially one enormous market. If the fishing industry in the Gulf Coast, for example, were to go under, then any areas that ate fish taken from the endangered ocean space would have a shortage. This might lead them to find substitutes for the Gulf fish. These substitute fishing markets, from being overworked, could then have fish shortages of their own. In this way, a local crisis can become global issues.

3. Evidence shows that by preserving the local ecosystems has a positive impact for the human population. In one example, an excessive season of whale hunting caused a string of events that led to the decimation of the local fishing industry. By preventing these destructions of the food chain, we can sustain our livelihoods as well as the environment.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Gases and Climate Change

Combustion- If we light the rubbing alcohol on fire, then it will combust, because the alcohol is flammable.

Oh My Gosh!!!! That was crazy!!!!!! There was an explosion and the fire was blue and Oh My Gosh!

A rise in gases contributes to an excessive greenhouse effect, warming the Earth in the process.

CO2 Gas- If the CO2 is exposed to a flame, then it will combust, because it is also flammable.

The gas immediately extinguished the fire. There was no oxygen to keep the fire alive.

CO2 is necessary for human's life on Earth, but in extreme quantities it can become toxic. Deforestation and burning of fossil fuels release carbon dioxide into the environment.

Hydrogen Gas- If hydrogen is exposed to a flame, then the flame will be extinguished, because there isn no oxygen.

The zinc caused a bubbling as it separated the hydrochloric acid, and then the hydrogen caught on fire and was crackling and popping.

Ocean power and Hydroelectric power involves electricity created by tidal movements. Hydrogen fuel involves storing energy. Biofuels, such as ethanol, are created from crops, but take more fossil fuels to create than you would use without them. Solar energy takes energy from sunlight. Wind power is generated by wind, and is growing quickly. Geothermal energy is created by the heat in the Earth's core. Fossil fuels, such as oil, are burned remains of animals and other fossils.

Air Pressure- if the can is put in ice water, then it will explode.

Literally nothing happened.

Hypothesis for the second test: if we put the can upside down into the ice bath, then the ice water will bubble, because the vapor will try to escape.

The can condensed itself. The metal actually folded itself.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Chernobyl's effects linger on summary and questions

The radiation poisoning from the Chernobyl disaster are not disappearing as quickly as anticipated. Some food restrictions will have to stay in place for 50 years or more. The levels of caesium in the UK were higher than expected. Cumbrian sheep, among other animals, are still contaminated.

Q1. Name 3 items that will be restricted from Russia for the next 50 years.

Q2. How much of an increase was found in the half life of the chemical caesium?

Q3. Describe the change pattern in radioactivity regarding food and water.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Chernobyl Questions

1. What was design flaw in reactor # 4?

2. What components were set fee in the explosion?

3. Which countries were effected, and in what ways?

4. Describe the extent of the damage caused by the disaster.

5. What was the most common ailment from exposure to the chemicals, and what did it do to the body?

Monday, August 30, 2010

Questions 4 panel

1. How regularly are the tests being conducted?

2. What is the containment system for the chemicals?

3. What would you do if there was some sort of a breach in the containment? What is the backup plan?

4. As a scientist, would you bring your family here?

5. How long will it take before the chemicals will dissipate?

8-30-10 Catalyst Post

1. The chemicals were pushed up after an especially rainy winter. The water seeped underground and began to take up the space previously inhabited by the waste.

2. Although the definite health risks were unknown in the 70s, deadly dioxin was found in the canal.Later studies found the chemicals put humans at risk for cancer, liver disease, and birth defects.

3. The creeks to the north of the love canal also tested positive for chemicals.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Hazards of Oil Dispersants

Viewing the video and reading the article about the effects of the oil spill and chemical dispersants was an eye opener to the condition of the Gulf of Mexico and the animals living there. The statistics displayed by Susan Shaw showed just how many toxins we are actually in contact with daily (and it wasn't pretty). According to the University of Georgia, as stated in the Time Magazine article, the oil that was thought to have dissolved could still be out there under the surface, polluting the ocean water. Neither of these were comfortable concepts to think about. In the case of dealing with with the oil, dealing with it created an even larger problem, because the dispersants used to dissolve the oil have only created a more toxic combination. The oil itself was worse than the chemical dispersants, because it would stick to and coat the wildlife, while the dispersants alone did less harm. Together, however, they are extremely toxic.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Chemical Dispersants

Why is BP using such a dangerous dispersant?

What could we do to make these dispersants safer?

Will the dispersants have sever long term effects?